
By Anonymous - 06/01/2013 21:35 - Sweden - Staffanstorp

Today, at the reading of my mother's last will and testament, I found out that despite having cared for her for the final years of her life, she denied me an inheritance. She basically said I'm an embarrassment, because when she wrote it, I was 31 years-old, with no wife or children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 282
You deserved it 2 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a bitch. She's your mother, she should love and support you anyway. I'm sorry OP. :(

pjmommy 9

that's a bad last memory to have of your mother. don't hold on to it op it'll only make you feel bad


row74 7

I accidentally hit YDI and I think 738 people did too. That's just unfair on you sorry OP

You can can take the will to court, claiming expenses for taking care of her.

Not in Sweden. Totally different legislation. And OP's mother can't give everything away according to Swedish law. 50% of the estate will go to the spouse or, if spouse is dead, children. No will in the world can change that.

sorry but she is a ****. dead or alive mother or not... that's not how u repay those who take care of u in time of weakness

pfry201 1

that sucks. see a lawyer, you should be able to at least get some money