
By Anonymous - 06/01/2013 21:35 - Sweden - Staffanstorp

Today, at the reading of my mother's last will and testament, I found out that despite having cared for her for the final years of her life, she denied me an inheritance. She basically said I'm an embarrassment, because when she wrote it, I was 31 years-old, with no wife or children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 282
You deserved it 2 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a bitch. She's your mother, she should love and support you anyway. I'm sorry OP. :(

pjmommy 9

that's a bad last memory to have of your mother. don't hold on to it op it'll only make you feel bad


This makes me feel glad that my grandmother chose to dole out the majority of her kids' inheritance while she's still alive. She doesn't want anyone squabbling over money once she's gone. All siblings get an even share - any arguments and the people arguing get nothing. The grandchildren each got to pick something of hers to keep, she put masking tape on the back with our name or mentioned it specifically in the will. I'm really close with her, so she chose to will me a piece of her jewelry. Each of her daughters gets a diamond ring - she has three (her wedding ring, engagement ring, and the ring she got for her 50th wedding anniversary. Mom gets her wedding ring). When my grandfather died it was the same thing - each of her kids and grand kids got to pick something of his. My brother got some of his shirts, my mom got his favourite jacket, I picked out the cribbage board because we used to play that for hours. I live in Canada; you can't leave one of your kids out of your will unless there is a VERY good reason (like your son is a serial killer in prison for the rest of his life, or something really screwed up like that). OP's situation? Would not be a good reason.

I normally don't speak ill of the dead but f@#$ that gas bag. don't listen to her! live your life how ever you what so long as it makes you happy :) sorry for your loss.

Well, this FML makes me wonder, why did OP take care of her in the first place. Not because she seems to be a bitch, but because OP seems to be just one of those persons who licks somebody's ass to make some profit out of it, not a loving man who is sad about his mother's death (but of course my oppinion might be wrong). I don't think that parents MUST leave all their money to their children (or even only a little bit of their money), and if my mother left me nothing after her death (which, i hope, won't happen in the next 40 years) then I would respect her will, not whine about not getting any money from her. Haters gonna hate.

So you respect a woman who ungratefully allowed her son to sacrifice his personal life (therefore making it considerably more unlikely for him to find a good job and a woman to start a family with) to care for her, and punished and insulted him for doing so?

#79-Maybe because he loved his mom and didn't know she considered him an embarrassment? Maybe because he felt a sense of duty to care for her because his siblings (assuming he has them) were busy with their families? And I imagine he's hurt that after spending years caring for his mom in her final illness, she gives him a figurative punch in the face by disinheriting him for not being married with children when he 31.

I don't mean it in this kind of way like: "OMGOMGOMG, you're an asshole because you didn't do what your mother expected from you!" It's more like: "Your mother is dead and all you do is whine all over the Internet that you didn't get any money from her?!" It doesn't mean like I'd agree with what his mother said. I don't think that not doing what your parents expect from you is a crime and needs to be punished by them, but neither do I think that a child (a grown man in this case) should expect to get money from their parents after they're dead. Not only when the child doesn't do what their parents say but even when the child does exactly that.

iAmPaul 49

That's really a shame OP. Though you haven't specified your current state, I'd guess you're probably married with kids, so that sucks even more. If only the will had been updated.

I don't know what pisses me off more, the way the mother threw her son's selflessness back in his face (because caring for someone full time often means little time is left for socialising and dating which she obviously didn't consider), or the soapbox sadies on here saying "well you're greedy for expecting anything, ydi". Some people really need to remove their heads from their anuses. It's not the money, it's what it represents to a child.