Emotional support

By losingit - 19/10/2010 04:30 - United States

Today, I learned I was adopted and that my parents had died in a car accident when I was really young. My girlfriend was sitting next to me when I got the news, and several hours later broke up with me in a text stating, "I don't want to be with someone who doesn't have real parents." FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 361
You deserved it 3 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

That's when you tell her that you don't want to be with someone who's been banged more times than a screen door.

what a bitch, she clearly was't worth being with anyways. cheer up u will find someone better in no time.


denvan 0

That's harsh on what your ex did. What a shallow selfish b*tch she will get her karma. You're better off without her through the bad ones you will get to the good one.

She's not worth your time if she's going to be like that sweetie. You'll find someone else.

how insensitive! she was probably a bitch anyway... you can do better...

Kill her parents. Then chop them up and feed them to her in a chilli. Then you can laugh and taunt her how she doesn't have parents any more either! :-P

Jim, I'm afraid that won't work either. See, her parents will still be real, real enough to taste.

BackHurts 0

Don't forget to replace the chili she gave you with chili made by a now Darth Chef

sexxiimissj 0

I'm adopted and I can't believe people can be that big of a bitch. woooow.

Wow what a bitch ... Sorry you had to deal with that op..

graciecry 0

what a bitch! dont worry mate

Far out, if someones like that they're not worth being with anyway

Shows you how quickly she'll bailon you.... your better off without her mate.

ctlnaaia71 8

what a nasty bitch! good thing she broke up with you.