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By Anonymous - 08/07/2022 00:00

Today, my fiancée is a Marvel fan, and insists her wedding ring be made of Palladium, the stuff that powers Iron Man’s heart. A ring in the style she wants costs almost £1000 and we are not wealthy, the budget for the entire wedding is only £4000, but she insists or she won’t marry me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 792
You deserved it 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she values a specific ring that's out of budget more than holy matrimony with you, maybe it's time to cut your losses if she continues to insist. I value my partner's companionship more than a ring that can be lost or damaged.

£1000 is not outrageous for a wedding ring, but it depends on your financial needs, as well as how insistent she is about other things with the wedding (like location, dress, food, etc.). If she's willing to cut back on other things for the ring to fit the budget, and you're okay with those too, go for it. But if at this point she's insistent on breaking your budget for things only she wants already at wedding time, jump ship now. I guarantee you will fight and argue about money your whole marriage if this is the case now. It's hard enough when you're mostly aligned, and my wife and I's biggest arguments have been when she wanted to buy something beyond our budget and I didn't. (sometimes it's the husband that is the spendy one too). If she's making ultimatums at this point and it's not something you'll be okay with your entire marriage - get out before tying that knot, because you'll be tying an albatross around your neck.


If she values a specific ring that's out of budget more than holy matrimony with you, maybe it's time to cut your losses if she continues to insist. I value my partner's companionship more than a ring that can be lost or damaged.

£1000 is not outrageous for a wedding ring, but it depends on your financial needs, as well as how insistent she is about other things with the wedding (like location, dress, food, etc.). If she's willing to cut back on other things for the ring to fit the budget, and you're okay with those too, go for it. But if at this point she's insistent on breaking your budget for things only she wants already at wedding time, jump ship now. I guarantee you will fight and argue about money your whole marriage if this is the case now. It's hard enough when you're mostly aligned, and my wife and I's biggest arguments have been when she wanted to buy something beyond our budget and I didn't. (sometimes it's the husband that is the spendy one too). If she's making ultimatums at this point and it's not something you'll be okay with your entire marriage - get out before tying that knot, because you'll be tying an albatross around your neck.

Not to be the That Person but I feel like this is a sign to cut your losses and move on. Someone so blinded by their fandom that they can’t listen to the human person next to them needs either therapy or a separation. It’s up to you two which one it is.

Nix188 13

you gotta go bud, don't settle for a person who deals with ultimatums

mattiagardin 15

Sounds like you shouldn't marry someone so selfish

I ain't saying she's a palladium digger But she ain't messin' with no broke n****s.

DrewBaby 8

But that powers Iron Man’s heart

Sonotsuave 35

While I think it’s unreasonable for her to make such a specific demand while you both aren’t in a position to do so, I do think that that price for a ring is honestly pretty low. I’d either wait to save up more, or if she won’t reason, then think harder about the consequences on your relationship. This time it’s the ring she’s being inflexible about, but next time and in the future, it might be a stubbornness towards other things.

wysegirl 24

Sounds like material items mean more. Pick your battles and know where to cut your losses. GL OP

Call her bluff. If she wants it that badly, you can save up and be an anniversary band. If she's willing to cancel your wedding over a ring, she doesn't care if it's you specifically that she marries. Cut your losses and run because this time it's a ring, next time it might be if you don't buy me this house I'm divorcing you