Empathy bypass

By Jason - 17/04/2020 02:00 - United Kingdom - Newcastle

Today, I worked up the courage to confess my bulimia to my girlfriend of three months. It's a touchy subject for me and I ended up in tears. When I was done talking, I looked up to see my girlfriend's disgusted face. She claimed I had a 'vomit fetish', said I was 'half a man' and broke up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 527
You deserved it 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you really dodged a bullet here. I am not sure if she’s more stupid or mean. You will definitely find someone better. Best of luck

You're better off without someone so insensitive. It was very brave of you to tell her and I hope you fight and win against this!


I'm so sorry that she said such awful things to you, after you were brave enough to share such an intimate piece of information with her. Thankfully you dodged a bullet...

She’s just a disgusting excuse for a human being and doesn’t deserve you. You deserve so much better than a twat for a GF.

emacdonald239 8

I'm sorry that's what you were met with when trying to talk about it. of course everyone is saying you're better w/o her, but if you're like me, you just wanted support. I was bulimic for about 5 years & I may have been able to kick it sooner if I had some support. honestly, I wanted someone to confront me& show they care. I wish I had a better advice, but you should be VERY proud you admitted it, even if it didn't turn out the best. you took a huge step and you WILL beat this!!