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By Anonymous - 23/02/2015 17:56 - United States

Today, I'm sick with a stomach flu. For the last 5 hours, I've been going back and forth from the couch to the bathroom. Each time I get into the bathroom, I have to make a choice of whether to sit on the toilet or kneel by it. Each time I have to clean up the other mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 658
You deserved it 5 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Sit on the toilet with a bucket or trash can in front of you...?

Just use a bucket in front of you so you don't have to clean up any puke!! Best way to go. (Line the bucket or bowl or whatever with a garbage bag so u can easily throw it out)☺️☺️ hope you feel better soon!!


michaelaranda 28

That really sucks op. Hopefully you will feel better soon. :)

I don't think it sucks. I think it more so blows. Chunks.

I use those plastic icrecream pails when im sick. There light and not to big.

tayymeds 23

always chose to sit, and then puke in a bag (leave some in there). that's what I did when I had it

TheNiceOne 20

Then the whole bathroom starts to smell like funk. :D

Marcella1016 31

Sit on the toilet with a bucket or trash can in front of you...?

Investment idea for when no longer sick; vomit pail for the bathroom. No bathroom is complete without one didn't you know, perfect for those blackout drunk nights as well.

OP needs a shitbucket. Because when you're in the bathroom you ain't playing battlefield.

Or a good sink right next to the toilet.

That's what I did when I had the stomach flu. Sit on the loo with a bucket on my lap. Worked out great.

I agree. I think OP deserved it because they didn't figure that out after 5 hours of the messy process. Good call.

LostInTheZone11 29

They exist. They are those large basins you get as a hospital patient. They're great for vomit, soaking your feet, and storage. I gave one to my roommate's friend once in case he had to puke.

I rarely get sick, but even I know the wonders of the vomit bucket.

That's what I was going to say! You can do 2 things at once.

incoherentrmblr 21

Problem solved. Don't forget to either open up the window or turn the exhaust fan on...

A large mixing bowl that is dishwasher safe also works. Keep it on the bathroom counter, sit on the loo and yerk in the bowl. Also good for putting next to the bed in the night for surprises.

Why has this got so many thumbs down. Is there something wrong with puking in a sink?

Denny1988 19

that's what I always do when in doubt

JustStella 28

#146: Puking in the sink can clog up the sink in my experience. Also, that might not be an option in many bathrooms unless he's Mr. Fantastic.

And a roll of trash bags in case there's a lot of vomit.

Just use a bucket in front of you so you don't have to clean up any puke!! Best way to go. (Line the bucket or bowl or whatever with a garbage bag so u can easily throw it out)☺️☺️ hope you feel better soon!!

Frillwee95 12

Or he could use the tub...yea...jus sittin' n shittin'...flawless

Ewwww, that's just.... NASTY.... just pour it into the toilet and rinse out the bowl. Do people actually do this? Why on earth would anyone prefer to use a plastic bag? That's gross on so many levels. Just dump it out and be done with it! You put it in a bag, the bag could have/develop a hole and all of a sudden you've got puke dripping all over your floor. And even if it holds together, then you're putting a bag full of puke in the garbage so that next time you take it out, you have a garbage bag full of puke sacks that could leak all the way to the curb. Disgusting.

I once used a plastic bag because It was the only things around... Worst mistake ever. The bag was double lined and both bags had a hole in them ???

Why not just sit on the toilet and then throw up in a garbage can?

taybear0 14

OP is a male, and i have run into the problem quite a few times that guys don't have garbage cans in their restrooms. its ridiculus, but fairly common

True. And if they do have a garbage can, they're like me; it's just a wire mesh wastebasket for collecting empty toilet rolls. Completely useless for puke unless you have a sudden urge to strain out the solids.

I feel like this is the Russian roulette of being sick

I personally would rather clean vomit than feces. Feel better OP! And get a trash can! :)

Time to pick the tub and cover both bases ;D Or just do what a sensible person would do and sit on the toilet with a bucket in hand.

Or he could just wear diapers. Lol. That takes care of the Backdoor leaving the toilet for the front. XD. Lol.

19990231 29

I would have said if your sink is close enough just use that. Wash down the bile after.

If you don't have a bucket, sit on the toilet and puke in the tub/shower.

Not all bathrooms have a toilet in them. Many are in fact separate in its own small room. Would definitely advise op to get a bucket or ask someone to go get one for them