Failed the smell test

By Anonymous - 26/09/2023 14:00 - Germany

Today, I can hardly enjoy my food because of the reek from the cat's litter box under the bench. Poor cat, you might say, serves me right for not cleaning the litter box? Actually, the box is clean. What smells disgusting is the scented cat litter I bought because there was nothing else available. FML
I agree, your life sucks 573
You deserved it 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you have the box under the bench where you eat? Doesn't sound very appetizing.

I can't imagine what it would smell like to the poor cats. Best of luck finding better cat litter next time.


I can't imagine what it would smell like to the poor cats. Best of luck finding better cat litter next time.

Why do you have the box under the bench where you eat? Doesn't sound very appetizing.

County_Mayo_Jon 1

There are a lot of pet stores, you know ?

Amazon brand corn litter. 10l lasts my one a whole month and it's £8 (~$10?) delivered to the door. It's low dust, minimal tracking plus you can flush it down the loo so it saves on plastic baggies and bin runs. Just keep an eye on the cat for the first day or so, some cats like eating the stuff 🤷. Best change the stinky litter as soon as you can though, if your cat decides it's had enough of the smell, you'll have a hell of a time stopping the fuzz bucket peeing anywhere except the box... This isn't an advert btw, we've had cats my whole life and this is the best quality for the lowest price litter I've found so far.

I hate to state the obvious, but why not move to another spot to eat?