False alarm

By dirtyhands - 18/02/2009 23:01 - United States

Today, I was masturbating on my inflatable air mattress that squeaks when you move. Suddenly, my mom burst into my room to ask if I was okay because she thought the squeaking was me crying. I ripped my hands from my pants and turned on my side; she walked over and grabbed my hands to console me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 529
You deserved it 62 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she didn't pick up that you were masterbating.

be happy, she was worried and loves you. also.. umm. being caught masturbating, and being comforted is not a fml. It is just a comedy, which ended with you knowing you are loved. A fml would have been well, far worst. lol.


that's what you get for masturbating. sicko

i8thelastcookeii 0

 your an ass... I mean seriously 95% of people **********. srsly even though I don't I don't think it's sick. ur a .

Hmmmm, 50+ downvotes...... I guess that's what YOU get for being a judgemental asshole. :)

LMF_fml 0

that suuucks...but really...wait till your parents leave next time hahahahaaa

Let's see... Today I thought I heard my son crying in his room. I went to his room to console him but he pulled away when I tried to give him a hug. So I reached for his hand instead. He wasn't crying. He was masturbating. FML

JustinBieberIsOK 0
flyingsheep1838 0

it's a girl. look at the top.

Ariannalang 0

Why would you assume she was a guy? Over 80% of women **********.

HannahPaloozah 0

Sometimes they do, I'm on iPhone rite now and I see its a girl

In the iPhone app or on the site while on the iPhone, the user photos beside each comment/post are encircled by either blue, pink or grey to show gender (grey is if they didn't specify or etc).....

Also, right beside the OP's nickname is usually a little graphic of a silhouette, either of a man or a girl, or it just won't be there if the gender is not specified.

exactly how did "squeaks when you move" mattress seem liek a good thing to ********** on?


Toxic_John 0

ever heard of locking the door?

guy or girl? either way it still sucks

JustinBieberIsOK 0

it's a woman smarty the pink circle with a cross is the female sign. The male is blue with a circle and arrow like thing