False alarm

By dirtyhands - 18/02/2009 23:01 - United States

Today, I was masturbating on my inflatable air mattress that squeaks when you move. Suddenly, my mom burst into my room to ask if I was okay because she thought the squeaking was me crying. I ripped my hands from my pants and turned on my side; she walked over and grabbed my hands to console me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 529
You deserved it 62 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she didn't pick up that you were masterbating.

be happy, she was worried and loves you. also.. umm. being caught masturbating, and being comforted is not a fml. It is just a comedy, which ended with you knowing you are loved. A fml would have been well, far worst. lol.


nick the op is a girl.. the 'dude' really doesnt apply xD


FYL for not having a mom who knocks and getting in trouble for masturbating. Everyone does it. I don't care what you Mormons say.. everyone.

fmlwinnn 0

I can lock my door, but it's not allowed. I get in trouble for it. and they burst in without knocking >.<

I'm pretty sure they invented locks for a reason don't u think so?? lmao

i8thelastcookeii 0

aw that sucks. maybe you can explain to them that you need your privacy. if they say no, **** it. lock it anyway. 

cindayy77 0

hahahaha xD I'm in school and I barely could not burst out laughing xD

lol my parents r never home, the brother sometimes but ill do it with the door open anyway(;

Putting on a show for your brother,lol. Kinky girl.

Use the bathroom and flip on the vent switch.....