File vs. Folder

By NotThatButton - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Missoula

Today, I accidentally deleted my landlord's pictures of his child's graduation, girlfriend, daughter, and vacation when he asked me to delete a video off his phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 585
You deserved it 21 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If pictures were stored in memory card then there's a chance it can be restored otherwise you're gonna need to find a new place. sorry op

That sucks. Hopefully there's a backup he can retrieve the pictures from.


I sure hope his photos were put on his computer not to long ago so they can be retrieved...otherwise you're screwed

If his phone was an iphone, you're all set since they have a "Deleted" section now in photos.

Tattoo_Freak 15

How on earth does that accidentally happen? I think this is more fml for him.

You could accidentally press 'delete all' instead of 'delete'

I'm just trying to figure out how you managed to delete all of those when you were trying to delete one video. All hope's not lost though, you may be able to recover them!

Should've gone into the "recently deleted tab" on iPhones but if he doesn't have one then he is an idiot poor basterd

hbs11476 9

If it's an iPhone there's a folder where deleted pics and videos get saved for 30 days and can still be restored. Not sure if android phones have the same thing.

How do you "accidentally" delete all that other stuff? Unless you did it where you can select more than one photo/video at a time (which doesn't make sense since the landlord only wanted you to delete one thing).