File vs. Folder

By NotThatButton - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Missoula

Today, I accidentally deleted my landlord's pictures of his child's graduation, girlfriend, daughter, and vacation when he asked me to delete a video off his phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 585
You deserved it 21 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If pictures were stored in memory card then there's a chance it can be restored otherwise you're gonna need to find a new place. sorry op

That sucks. Hopefully there's a backup he can retrieve the pictures from.


katina1236 20

If it's an iPhone you can get them back. There's a folder (in mine at least) called recently deleted that keeps the photos up to 30 days before permanently deleting them.

If it's an iPhone, you can go to the "recently deleted" folder.

if it's an android and their gmail is in the phone the chance of it saving to gmail are very good. check an app called Google photos

lets hope he doesnt delete u from his place :P

cosmicdancer84 7

why would you have your landlord's phone? how close are you?

If it's an iPhone, check "recently deleted". If not, what a ******* bummer man.

If he's got an iPhone it's in recently deleted

What, did you delete everything BUT the video?