File vs. Folder

By NotThatButton - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Missoula

Today, I accidentally deleted my landlord's pictures of his child's graduation, girlfriend, daughter, and vacation when he asked me to delete a video off his phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 585
You deserved it 21 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If pictures were stored in memory card then there's a chance it can be restored otherwise you're gonna need to find a new place. sorry op

That sucks. Hopefully there's a backup he can retrieve the pictures from.


Okay, if he has an iPhone: there's usually a folder for "recently deleted" pictures (I know it's in the 5s/ 6 for sure) and if not, iCloud storage usually keeps a good backup of that. If he's using an android, chances are that there's a way to get the memory card and retrieve any lost info. I haven't used an android phone for long so I really don't know what else to tell you, but look online and there's probably tons of people with the same problem.

dirtbikeguy 14

Just hand the phone back and be as shocked as they are when they realize what happend.

Who the **** goes on their landlords phone?!

Jethco 15

"Sure I'll delete one video from your phone for you." *one* "Nope." *Two* "That wasn't it." *Three* "Crap." *Four* "How do you do this again?"

Every time I see this FML, I can't help but wonder "How?" I mean, I get accidentally deleting one of the above mentioned, but all of them? What did you do?

heroqucas 25

I just have to ask why you had the phone to begin with. If they wanted something deleted, they should do it themselves