File vs. Folder

By NotThatButton - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Missoula

Today, I accidentally deleted my landlord's pictures of his child's graduation, girlfriend, daughter, and vacation when he asked me to delete a video off his phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 585
You deserved it 21 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If pictures were stored in memory card then there's a chance it can be restored otherwise you're gonna need to find a new place. sorry op

That sucks. Hopefully there's a backup he can retrieve the pictures from.


johnny29 14

the data can still be recovered. when you delete something, you delete only the reference to that part of the memory, which will be overrwritten as time passes. so if you hurry up you might recover some photos

If he has a newish iPhone check the recently deleted. Saved me numerous times

Apologize really damn well OP, because there's little chance that he might have backups for all those pictures.

Why did your landlord ask you to delete something off his phone in the first place?

If all the pictures were of his son's graduation, vacation, etc., not of your landlord's, chances are his son still has them and can send his father another copy. Still, FYL.

Welcome to the streets. Most homeless people started this way.

If its an apple phone go to the pictures app (obviously), go to albums, and scroll down and you should find a folder called "Recently Deleted." There you can recover he pictures