
By marryinghimanyway - 29/08/2013 02:21 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I announced my engagement. My mother's response was to freak out and demand that I postpone my wedding indefinitely. Why? My younger sister caught the bouquet at a wedding last year, so "she has to get married first!" My sister has been single for 3 years and showers once a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 102
You deserved it 2 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just ignore it and enjoy your relationship :)

meliadams 12

Have your wedding when you want to, OP. tell her if she doesn't like it, she doesn't have to come.


If you marry him, you won't get anything but your Dad's old sock in the will.

tell your mother you are not postponing for your sister who is single and if she doesn't like it you can give her spot to someone else

I'm sorry, some people just don't know how to let others be happy

good. marry the bastard anyways, and tell your mom to eff off.

That's some crazy demand. Yet, the opposite, I know parents (mine included) that believe their children should get married-- in eldest to youngest order. I'm the baby of the family. :P

Sounds like the reverse Taming of the Shrew...glad you're going ahead anyway! And congratulations!!

hntandjlt 8

What? That's just stupid. Your mom needs to support and be happy for you. But just get married and congratulations!

Who cares about what she thinks? It is not like she can stop you.. though ruining it may be possible.

Tell her to sod off. If she doesn't like that you're getting married, she doesn't have to go to the ceremony

Came in to say the exact same thing. Literally, my first thought was "Tell her to sod off."

That comment caused me to spit out my drink from laughing!