
By marryinghimanyway - 29/08/2013 02:21 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I announced my engagement. My mother's response was to freak out and demand that I postpone my wedding indefinitely. Why? My younger sister caught the bouquet at a wedding last year, so "she has to get married first!" My sister has been single for 3 years and showers once a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 102
You deserved it 2 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just ignore it and enjoy your relationship :)

meliadams 12

Have your wedding when you want to, OP. tell her if she doesn't like it, she doesn't have to come.


How does one only shower once a week? That can't be comfortable

throw a bar of soap, instead of flowers, at your wedding, and hopefully your sister will catch it.

FeatherTips 10

I don't know, maybe if her sister touches it she'll get burned, retract her hand, and retreat into the shadows, all while hissing menacingly.

Your mother is a little nutty ;) Congrats on your engagement anyways OP :)

your mother sounds unstable, and very controlling.

Go up to your sister, tell her all her flaws, help stop her bad habits. And oh yea, don't listen to your mom. Mothers have to let there children be independent at a certain age. That's what's wrong with the socioty, (mind my spelling I'm on my IPod) too many kids depending on there parents so much. They should learn to be independant.

Octwo 16

The time you spent writing out an apology for your spelling could easily have been spent simply fixing the spelling mistake.

Yea that's true but I thought I'd make more so I said that.

Or you could learn how to spell CanadiAnM8...

**** that. Get married when you please. However, you should talk to your sister. Give her the push she needs, I know I could always use a little lift. Spread the love

Eww that's nasty! But don't let your mum kill ur relationship, of u love her get married simple ^-^

perdix 29

Explain to your mom that if you have a bridal shower, your sister can go and become one shower closer to getting a man. OP, I know it's stupid, but the rest of your family doesn't sound too bright.