
By mobster - 26/07/2009 17:39 - United States

Today, while doing aerobics in my room, I started doing really powerful Knee Highs. My cell phone fell out of my pocket while doing one knee high. As I looked down, I kneed myself in the face. I spent the next couple hours in the emergency room while the doctor told everyone my story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 342
You deserved it 19 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

EPIC FAIL. you can't even put your cell down to work out? just sit it on the dresser or something. come on. sorry but YDI.

This is funny as hell. I'm not gonna say you deserved it, it's just a good laugh.


i think that if your knee highs are powerful enough to land you in the ER, then you're doing 'em right :)

fstcarkid 0

or good enough to land you into the UFC. lol

xkaitlinwhitex 0

lol is you cell phone okay at least? i am so sorry for you XD i am this stupid myself, i once put my sweater in the washing machine when it had my mp3 player in it. and i drop all my electronics all the time.

Haha, I did something like this yesterday. I was opening the front door when I saw some litter on the ground. I wanted to pick it up, and while doing so I hit myself in the head with the door... My coordination is just as bad as yours, apparently.

Emergency Room for a knee to the face? Unless you ruptured your skull, you're a pansy haha! :D But really, that's a waste.

Umm... broken nose? jaw? endless things can happen when you have a powerful blow to your face. OP: Totally sucks, I did that once and busted my lip :( FYL.

annaofwisconsin 0

They're doctors that work excessively long shifts in depressing circumstances. If they get a laugh out of something they may as well share it. When i broke my arm falling off a swing my doctor laughed, told all the other doctors and nurses, and even made fun of me a little. I wasn't offended, because it really was pretty funny.

Baroness542 6

My older cousin tore her ACL demonstrating a "Donkey Kick" for her 7 year old sister. She had to go to the ER. They doctor and nurses all chuckled and poked fun at her too. She wasn't offended though, just slightly embarrassed because apparently the doctor was pretty cute. xD She was telling my friend and I about it, and my friend said "and THAT is why you don't do anything you wouldn't have to explain to the paramedics." ;)

glasgowsmile 0

omg ! i know how that feels, it sucks but, shit like that happens

Children - PUT DOWN THE GODDAMNED CELL PHONE! I promise, you will NOT DIE.

I spend a great deal of time working out/at the gym/dancing, and I never carry my cellphone (unless it's resting in from on me on a treadmill for a clock or something). It's just common sense not to be carrying anything like that in your pockets while doing aerobic excerise. YDI.