Food for thought
By Anonymous - 08/11/2012 06:13 - United States - Houston
By Anonymous - 08/11/2012 06:13 - United States - Houston
By Anonymous - 22/07/2024 02:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/07/2024 19:00 - United Kingdom
By CutestBoysEver - 30/10/2012 01:30 - United States - Fruita
By bad brother - 04/10/2023 11:00
By Sad mom - 21/07/2024 08:00 - United States - Riverview
By Anonymous - 20/01/2022 05:01 - Canada - Emsdale
By datingablonde - 11/01/2013 05:20 - Australia - Attadale
By Anonymous - 08/03/2014 23:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/10/2022 12:00
By Xandar - 09/11/2018 17:30
I absorbed my twin and so did my cousin. Apparently it's more common than for twins to actually be born. Also, chimeras are super rare. Most people don't really "absorb" their twins-- I've heard it's more like one twin dying and being "eaten" by the other baby and the mother. Not that that's better.
What a really lovely thing for your Mother to say about her Grandchildren! Sorry OP! Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy :)
am I the only one that thinks of the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode where Bart finds out he is a twin and that he lives in the attic....?
Your mother is probably speaking of a phenomenon known as a 'vanishing twin' in which the fetus of one twin dies and is expelled by the uterus. It is more common than one would think. My brother actually had twin vanish and the woman across the street from me also had one. OP, congratulations on your pregnancy and best wishes to you and your babies!
Sounds like something from The Unborn... ._. Watch out for kids named Junebee (er... However it's spelled.)
Generally, the gene for twins is carried by the father's side of the family.
I never knew there was a gene for twins, thanks for the info! :) But having twins is not necessarily heritable. It depends if OP is having identical or fraternal twins, actually. Having identical twins might be heritable, but the chance of having fraternal twins increases with the age of the mother and has nothing to do with heredity per se. Would be interesting to know if OP is having fraternal or identical twins :)
38 -No it isn't. The father can pass the genes to his daughter, but the woman needs the gene to have twins
That's why twins sometimes skip generations
Actually, it's the mothers side. Either fraternal twins (more than 1 egg) or identical (the egg divides too many times). I was lucky enough to have a set of each, fraternal girls & identical boys. Congrats on the twins, they're a blessing whatever they are!
Creepy lol
48- I'm pretty sure the commentor meant that the gene for twins was passed through the father. Meaning that the father of this set of twins is the one that supplied the gene, not the mother of the twins.
The mother has to have the gene in order to have twins. If that father has the gene, then the children can have that gene, but if the mother doesn't have the gene, there will be no twins.
Well, it does happen and is very common. Research "vanishing twin syndrome" for details. How likely this is also depends on how early on you are in your pregnancy. Let's assume that both of your babies are healthy and you have an easy pregnancy. Enjoy your little "problems" ;-)
I can see a horror movie in the making.
At least your kids will always have someone to play with! Unless of course one of your children absorbs the other.