
By fmynote - 27/08/2009 23:00 - United States

Today, I wrote a note for my crush of two years, expressing all my feelings for him, signed it as "Forever your lover", then I slipped it into his locker. Later that day, he walked up to me, tossed the note at me, and said, "You know I recognize your handwriting, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 317
You deserved it 29 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Singularity_fml 0

"Forever your lover"...personally, I would've stayed away from you. That's a creepy way to sign a pointless way of expressing your feelings. Just go talk to him if you're serious.


screwtaylor 0

Now not only will he recognize you for your handwriting.. but now you'll be "that creepy chick who sent me a weird note".

... 'lover'? Do you know what a lover is? o.O

letitbe56 0

It is MAD creepy to call yourself someone's lover if you're not actually their lover. Also, leaving an anonymous note in someone's locker=fail.

i_is_a_tr00l 0

Well of course he'd recognize your righting, if he's your LOVER... Right?

I don't really get this one.. So he threw the note back, it's just rejection. Get over it.

FOREVER YOUR LOVER?!?! You... Haha that's creepy for someone you've never been with.

Stormcat 0

I can totally imagine one of my friends doing this shes liked this guy for 2 years, been rejected before, but wont give him up and im also from arizona freaky..

Next time tell the person instead of being a creeper.