
By fmynote - 27/08/2009 23:00 - United States

Today, I wrote a note for my crush of two years, expressing all my feelings for him, signed it as "Forever your lover", then I slipped it into his locker. Later that day, he walked up to me, tossed the note at me, and said, "You know I recognize your handwriting, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 317
You deserved it 29 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Singularity_fml 0

"Forever your lover"...personally, I would've stayed away from you. That's a creepy way to sign a pointless way of expressing your feelings. Just go talk to him if you're serious.


AXavierB 1

You should have printed it out instead of writing it by hand. Also, you should not call yourself his "lover". You aren't his lover if you two aren't together. That just makes you sound like a stalker.

echarperouge 0

**** HIS life, you insane creeper!

It's okay kiddo, this is stuff we learn from. Awkward moments on our part remind us in the future not to do it again. Have someone else write the letter next time, or print it out =)

agreed, but no matter how u go about doing it though, good luck :)

letitbe56 0

Or...don't use a letter. Telling someone to their face that you'd like to go out with them is the best way to do it. (And, admittedly, the hardest.)

Very true letitbe, but I'm sure we can both agree that it's out of her hands now.

Kind of creeeeeeeeeepy! Just tell him next time, or at least sign your name. YDI OP :(

OMGitsKaleyxo 0

ydi for signing it like that. but aw he knows ur handwriting[: how cute.

his fml story is on here somewhere: "today, I was stalked by this creepy girl, FML"

forever ur lover? a lil pathetic... BUT AT LEAST HE RECOGNIZES UR HANDWRITING!! cheer up =)

The lover thing is a bit much, but the guy is a real douchebag.

staplergunn 0

wow, use the other hand, jeez, hahahahahahah well you guys going out yet? if not ill call up michael jackson he can hook you all up! :) me and him are reall tight, i get half his money! jealous? dont be, im lying like half the people on this website :)))