
By fmynote - 27/08/2009 23:00 - United States

Today, I wrote a note for my crush of two years, expressing all my feelings for him, signed it as "Forever your lover", then I slipped it into his locker. Later that day, he walked up to me, tossed the note at me, and said, "You know I recognize your handwriting, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 317
You deserved it 29 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Singularity_fml 0

"Forever your lover"...personally, I would've stayed away from you. That's a creepy way to sign a pointless way of expressing your feelings. Just go talk to him if you're serious.


Walt_1990 3

He threw the note, that sucks..

haha yeahs. who the hell thinks notes like tht are "sweet"

how is this an fml? so what? don't you want him to notice you?

solitary_game 0

I'm guessing he noticed her because they know each other from school. They may even be friends. You went for it and it didn't work out. This is the way things work out. Congrats for having the guts to do it, though, FYI, the one weird thing was signing it the way you did. A little too stalkerish. Be subtle.

TheCashMan88 0

"Forever your lover?" You deserve it for being that creepy obsessive stalker girl.

wow, how ******* rude. what a jerk. you don't deserve him, and i'm sure as hell he doesn't deserve you.

"Forever your lover" is a bit creepy. At least he notices you enough to recognise your handwriting, lol.

Right, because even if it had worked.. everyone loves a girl creepy enough to tell you they're forever your lover, but still not know who the hell it's from. Op, seriously, tell him, don't leave some BS anonymous letter in his locker. What purpose does this serve other than to confuse the hell out of him? I am curious to know what your next move was. Start leaving love letters under his pillow in the morning?

YDI you should of printed the note out on the computer so he wouldn't recognize it