
By fmynote - 27/08/2009 23:00 - United States

Today, I wrote a note for my crush of two years, expressing all my feelings for him, signed it as "Forever your lover", then I slipped it into his locker. Later that day, he walked up to me, tossed the note at me, and said, "You know I recognize your handwriting, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 317
You deserved it 29 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Singularity_fml 0

"Forever your lover"...personally, I would've stayed away from you. That's a creepy way to sign a pointless way of expressing your feelings. Just go talk to him if you're serious.


ziqi92 0 a bad one...i made a calculator game to ask one of my friends out to prom (this was 5 months ago) and now shes not friends with me anymore just bcuz i asked her out. shit happens and i feel ur pain.

I have to say YDI for signing "Forever Your Lover." Not only that, he really didn't do anything terrible. But "woot!" for being from AZ!

rockyhorrorshow 0

Forever your "lover"? Bit much, dear. And to add onto what everyone else is saying, she didn't say "throw" she said "tossed". Meh. Just my two cents.

XxmidnightXx4545 0

LOL I remmonded this :DDD lol but the sucks!!

I fell bad for you. See stuff like this makes me scared to tell people I like that I like them.

letitbe56 0

Rule of thumb: Anonymous notes=creepy Down to earth revelation of feelings, or asking him/her out=not creepy

Strike out "revelation of feelings" and you're good to go.

I'm sorry to hear that and hopefully it works out in the end (one way or another). I would have to ask though, the fact that he could recognize the handwriting, did you do it enough to stalker proportions or something???

screwtaylor 0

This isn't the 1800 anymore. We don't write notes or letters to people.. It's all about getting rejected on myspace and facebook. 4realz.

screwtaylor 0

Or even 1993. Getting rejected on MySpace is SO 2007, and Facebook is SO 2008. The place to get rejected now is!

Except a lot of these happened a while ago, and FML uses the template of "Today" Key example is the girl that had her mom give her $4,000 and ask it back, which she said happened a few years ago

ky_stone22 0

Why does he recognize your handwriting? That seems a little strange if he doesn't like you (which your post makes it sound like)... But yeah, I agree with #17. Everyone says "grow a pair and tell them you like them," and then this happens. It certainly does nothing for confidence.

letitbe56 0

Writing an anonymous not does NOT constitute growing a pair. Growing a pair is telling him to his face. (This is not easy. I needed a couple drinks before I could ask my BF out. Not proud of that, but it worked out anyway!)

spiffles 0

He doesn't like her because she writes creepy anonymous letters and leaves them in his locker? Yeah, he's really a douche.

Forget about it. He's probably not really worth it, and you now see that he has no capacity for empathy. Plus, karma is a bitch and he'll probably be someone's soon.