Forget me not

By ohgodwhyfml - 28/11/2015 14:32 - United States - Danbury

Today, a girl I'd been talking to all night actually wanted to come home with me. Stopped to buy condoms. Got home, clothes came off, took out a condom. "Sorry, I'm allergic to latex". She left in a cab. I'm a 27-year old virgin for another night and now have a box of condoms to remind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 069
You deserved it 3 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

danceinconverse 25

At least you're not a 27 year old baby daddy or a 27 year old with an STD.

They'll protect you from pregnancy and diseases, but one thing condoms cannot protect are your feelings. :'(


Maybe someone else broke down this to you, but I guess you just were not attractive once you took off your clothes. Because if you have condoms in your hands then you might as well not use them but it seems that you did not have the chance to offer that option. Sorry for your loss.

Seriously? Not using the condoms is your best advice?

BitterSavage 20

Ahhh, been there. I'm allergic to latex also.. but instead of leaving I just told him and we went and got some that were latex free.

bad_boyfriend 10

I used to hook up with a woman with a latex allergy. If she really wanted it to go down, she would have told you earlier or brought her own.

why wouldn't she tell you that she's allergic to latex knowing that that's the kind most people buy.

smarti1809 12

why didn't she tell you when you stopped to get condoms?

by any chance did she look at the size?

Well, three more years and you will become a wizard!