Forget me not

By ohgodwhyfml - 28/11/2015 14:32 - United States - Danbury

Today, a girl I'd been talking to all night actually wanted to come home with me. Stopped to buy condoms. Got home, clothes came off, took out a condom. "Sorry, I'm allergic to latex". She left in a cab. I'm a 27-year old virgin for another night and now have a box of condoms to remind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 069
You deserved it 3 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

danceinconverse 25

At least you're not a 27 year old baby daddy or a 27 year old with an STD.

They'll protect you from pregnancy and diseases, but one thing condoms cannot protect are your feelings. :'(


Hey, better then having to pay for child support from a one night stand or having to take medicine for an STD or a virus, don't worry OP, you'll find the right girl eventually

batmanfredi 13

I'm allergic to latex too, but they have latex free condoms

iBeei 7

That sucks! Don't worry bud. You'll loose it one day. Until then, try buying non latex condoms so situations like this don't happen again.

batmanfredi 13

Virginity is so dumb. I don't believe in it. Having sex shouldn't be a goal in life, the first time you have sex should be with someone you love with all of your heart, there's no pressure to have sex.

expertsmilee 26

Aside from that first sentence, agreed.

leogachi 15

@48 I call myself a virgin because I've never had sex, not because I feel pressure to have sex. Your correlation between these two things is unfounded. On a side note, when people try to pressure me into having sex I just tell them to go have sex with themselves.

"virginity is so dumb" that's such a dumb thing to say.... how ironic.

No pressure to have sex? Do you live under a rock?

she obviously wasn't actually planning to have sex with you or she would have told you before you bought the condoms.

That girl is an ass. If she's that allergic to latex then she should know to have some on hand that she can use. I know I always had one in my purse even when I wasn't expecting sex.

My sister has a life threatening allergy to latex. If she's in even a big room with a single balloon she has a major chance of dying or ending up in the hospital.

you idiot , that just means she wanted you to raw dog it

I'm thinking the reason that she left is because she got cold feet. there's plenty to do that doesn't involve sex with a condom (which she could have told you her allergy earlier when you were buying them) my guess is she made up an excuse to leave.