Forget me not

By ohgodwhyfml - 28/11/2015 14:32 - United States - Danbury

Today, a girl I'd been talking to all night actually wanted to come home with me. Stopped to buy condoms. Got home, clothes came off, took out a condom. "Sorry, I'm allergic to latex". She left in a cab. I'm a 27-year old virgin for another night and now have a box of condoms to remind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 069
You deserved it 3 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

danceinconverse 25

At least you're not a 27 year old baby daddy or a 27 year old with an STD.

They'll protect you from pregnancy and diseases, but one thing condoms cannot protect are your feelings. :'(


That's where you go ahead and buy latex free so that you're prepared for next time.

Honestly, you'll find a better way to lose your virginity and not with just a one night stand. Sex is better when you're emotionally attached to someone, especially when it's your first time! Hold in there :)

Time to give the gay lifestyle a try. Lots of boys won't say no to a bit of fun late at night no matter what it's wrapped in. (I'm fully aware being gay isn't a lifestyle or a choice. just making a funny argument. laughing at myself you might say)

1known_fml 8

You could have done other things... Use your hands, tongues or whatever!

she should have told you, what an idiot...

Look on the bright side, you probably dodged a bullet and she has some STD or something. All honesty, when she said that she was allergic I was all "Oh shit, this is just like another FML where she's all "BE MY BABY DADDY!" sort of thing."

Honestly if you cared enough you would have asked if she had any preferences or needs condom-wise. YDI.

Sounds like some kind of dare she had to do.

shortcake18 15

I'm sorry you feel down op but I think that it is great that you haven't had sex yet. You can save it for someone you really love or do it on your wedding night when it is really special.