
By cdubb27 - 11/10/2010 06:00 - United States

Today, while at the gym, I noticed a foul smell while on elliptical machine. I figured it was the little old lady on the machine next to me. It was so bad I had to leave. When I got in my truck, I realized the smell had followed me. It was me. My cat had pissed on my workout clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 118
You deserved it 9 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beelo44 0

And you didn't notice while putting on the clothes perhaps? Or when you were carrying the clothes around? Cat piss is a fairly pungent smell so unless they pissed on them a few days ago and dried up so that it only really kicked in when your sweat moistened up the clothes you should have realised this before you went to the gym. Anyway, throw your cat on a treadmill to punish it! :-P


cats are like ***** .... have one over for a night , they will try to **** your husband soon after.

I have cats so I know this. They are evil bastards. You did something to upset the cat, and so it had it's revenge.

meowmeowwkitty 0

yes. don't blame the cat! maybe this guys an asshole!

perdix 29

I'll bet the old lady had the workout of her life. They just love that cat urine scent -- that's why their houses smell of it. Next time, rub some mothballs under your armpits and she'll have her first ****** in 40 years.

Perdix, darling, you obviously didn't know Granny recently acquired some particularly sweet smelling/tasting lube and has been fornicating with everyone/everything she can get her hands on. Mothball/cat urine induced orgasms are so old-school, now.

perdix 29

Oh, Bella, Just because she added a Very Cherry tool to her box, er, I mean toolbox, doesn't mean she's going get rid of the oldies, but goodies ;)

Thinking of grandma's box seems to make me forget to type words as well, dear. :P

perdix 29

Thanks. I hope you appreciate my special gift: When you try to top one of my disturbing images, I can come up with something disturbinger. Thanks for the inspiration. ;)

cats are so boring.... just lazing around

maybe wash your clothes every now and then?

angeorange 0

Haha that totally sucks. Cat piss is a lot worse than dog piss.

mintcar 9

Trying to blame it on the old lady. -_- What is wrong with you?!

someoneknown299 0
Nyc__Princess 0