
By cdubb27 - 11/10/2010 06:00 - United States

Today, while at the gym, I noticed a foul smell while on elliptical machine. I figured it was the little old lady on the machine next to me. It was so bad I had to leave. When I got in my truck, I realized the smell had followed me. It was me. My cat had pissed on my workout clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 118
You deserved it 9 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beelo44 0

And you didn't notice while putting on the clothes perhaps? Or when you were carrying the clothes around? Cat piss is a fairly pungent smell so unless they pissed on them a few days ago and dried up so that it only really kicked in when your sweat moistened up the clothes you should have realised this before you went to the gym. Anyway, throw your cat on a treadmill to punish it! :-P


Go pee all over that cat if it does it again! That will teach it :P

Wealthyparrot 9

YDI and much more for not realizing you were putting on piss cloths.