By moonchic - 17/01/2015 01:47 - United States - Flushing
moonchic tells us more.
Sorry for commenting so late) I completely forgot about this post and then I remembered. Anyway, thank you for all of your support, I didn't think this would get published! Yes what my father did wasn't a very smart move but I tried to convince and prove to him that he was the one that trashed my room in the first place. Eventually after an hour of dispute, he realized what he did (after me having to tell him repeatedly) and he apologized.
Top comments
Heh, I thought this FML was gonna go differently. I thought his dad was gonna search OP's room for the flashlight, only to find a fleshlight. Lol
Or a box of ******.
I'd probably go with ****** considering her username is moonchic. OP, good luck with your dad :)
Exactly what I thought
There's truly no reasoning with some parents...
I swear every single parent does this.
How dim of him.
next time he asks for something, just give him a blank stare and be on your merry way
That sucks OP. There's no logic in that decision
In a relax, calmed way tell him that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Then run for your life!!
I feel like you need to hide his keys and wallet quite a few times as vengeance.
Do not take this lightly!
wow my parents do the same thing. I feel you op.

He's not too bright, is he?
How dim of him.