
By Pk45 - 11/11/2011 15:37 - United Kingdom

Today, my young son wanted to rent some movie with talking animals in it for us to watch together. I couldn't say no, but talking animal movies freak me out big time, I either start to cry or feel nauseous. Especially ones with dogs. What is wrong with me? FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 908
You deserved it 8 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

Face your fear? Grow up? Get a real talking animal to desensitize you? I'm not all that sure.

perdix 29

Because you can't suspend disbelief. I'd freak out if dogs could suddenly talk. Mine would probably tell everyone about the peanut butter!


perdix 29

Because you can't suspend disbelief. I'd freak out if dogs could suddenly talk. Mine would probably tell everyone about the peanut butter!

I'm scared to know what you did with the peanut butter, haha Jk. gross.

XavierMedina 0

That reminds me of Marta thedog.

perdix 29

25, it's just a joke. I don't really let my dog lick peanut butter off my balls.

Hmmmm Is that what your dog would say if he could really talk? (: suspect!

perdix 29

46, my dog is a she, I'm not gay. They're not really close to being able to get dogs to talk *gasps nervously*, are they?

HetaliaFreak 10

I have the kind of dog that would, if I were male, smell the peanut butter and try to bite them off.

Omg persix ur a girl?!?!! I always thought u were a boy, well my fantasies were crushed

magicrock 8

ummm if u meant perdix is perdix's dog then yes he is a she

perdix 29

I AM a boy! If my dog were male, the peanut butter trick would be between two males. My dog is female. Since Enslaved has hinted that science is on the verge of teaching dogs to talk, I will preemptively deny that I have ever done the peanut butter trick with my dog, regardless of what she might say. She humps my arm -- let's she if she'll own up to that!

alairs00 0

He said his dog is a girl and that he is not gay. Meaning, he would feel gay if he had a dog of his same gender.

every1luvsboners 11

"Hey Jack, have that bitch make me some blueberry pancakes, right now."

MaaaanWTF 1

What an odd phobia you have! Have fun when your son wants to to to Disney World. Speaking of which, the majority of Disney movies consist of talking animals. FYL for not liking Finding Nemo!

HetaliaFreak 10
HetaliaFreak 10

"You so totally rock, Squirt!"

Why do people always say nauseous when it should be nauseated instead? I guess many don't realize they have different meanings. Sorry, just a tiny pet peeve of mine. I'll shut up now. Lol

From "The two literal senses of nauseous, “causing nausea” (a nauseous smell) and “affected with nausea” (to feel nauseous), appear in English at almost the same time in the early 17th century, and both senses are in standard use at the present time. Nauseous is more common than nauseated in the sense “affected with nausea,” despite recent objections by those who imagine the sense to be new. In the sense “causing nausea,” either literally or figuratively, nauseating has become more common than nauseous: a nauseating smell." So, no.

From "The two literal senses of nauseous, “causing nausea” (a nauseous smell) and “affected with nausea” (to feel nauseous), appear in English at almost the same time in the early 17th century, and both senses are in standard use at the present time. Nauseous is more common than nauseated in the sense “affected with nausea,” despite recent objections by those who imagine the sense to be new. In the sense “causing nausea,” either literally or figuratively, nauseating has become more common than nauseous: a nauseating smell." So, no.

My comment wasn't posting before. Disregard this one! :)

Fine. Now look up the meaning between the two words. Nauseous vs nauseated.

Read my comment. "Nauseous is more common than nauseated in the sense “affected with nausea,” despite recent objections by those who imagine the sense to be new."

Mipz 2

24, it's like the word "alright," not actually a word, but only grammar nazi's with OCD care. And nauseous is totally incorrect based on definition.

#121 From Webster's: nauseous 1: causing nausea or disgust : nauseating 2: affected with nausea or disgust "Those who insist that nauseous can properly be used only in sense 1 and that in sense 2 it is an error for nauseated are mistaken." What dictionary are you people using?

#121-- By the way, it's weird that you're being so picky about this but still used an apostrophe to form a plural...

how did u have a son when don't have a pair down there

Calen5556 0

If my dog could talk he'd say "BACON BACON BACON BACON"

... so I am guessing OP isn't a fan of furries then. :P

the animals are just imaginary. like your manhood.