
By Pk45 - 11/11/2011 15:37 - United Kingdom

Today, my young son wanted to rent some movie with talking animals in it for us to watch together. I couldn't say no, but talking animal movies freak me out big time, I either start to cry or feel nauseous. Especially ones with dogs. What is wrong with me? FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 908
You deserved it 8 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

Face your fear? Grow up? Get a real talking animal to desensitize you? I'm not all that sure.

perdix 29

Because you can't suspend disbelief. I'd freak out if dogs could suddenly talk. Mine would probably tell everyone about the peanut butter!


What IS wrong with you? Jeez, they're not talking for real.

Devoo 7

Get a Parrot and see what happens.

you sure that movie isnt the zookeeper?!?

Yikes. So sorry, OP - strange phobias are hard to live with, and I don't suppose it helps to have a bunch of idiots tease you about it. Have courage! I hope someday you figure out a way to minimize it!

Poetaster 10

You have what's commonly known as Imahpuhssiefaceosis. Commonly brought on by fears from your childhood where you were given Wedgies and forced to watch miss piggy scream and moan in pleasure.

ash1rose 11

It might be because the talking animals fall into the uncanny valley for you? Usually that only occurs with robots or CGI that's a little too close to human, but it's not completely far-fetched for it to happen with that. It IS kinda creepy the way their mouths move.

Don't seek therapy if this doesn't prevent you from going about your daily activities. Every out of the ordinary reaction is being made into a mental illness, it's getting out of control. We just need to live and stop obsessing about what's normal and what isn't. Next time when you're alone, put a movie on with talking animals and allow your body to react to it the way it wants to, don't suppress your feelings or hold back. The important thing to realize after the movie is over is that you're alive and well and that you can continue being the best father to your son that you can be.

howsitgoingjc 2

You ppl are jerks. You can't help having fears. Nice of you to still watch with him !