
By iheartnjdevils - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my landlord sent tree cutters to take down a tree in our front yard. I didn't realize their job included walking around the house and gratuitously staring at me through the window as I dressed. My boyfriend won't complain because he's afraid our rent will go up in retaliation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 915
You deserved it 8 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you are too stupid to close the damn blinds, then you have zero reason to complain

OP, you're making this sound a lot more difficult than it has to be. Go change in another room that doesn't face the tree cutters. Preferably a bathroom. Put up curtains, blinds, shades, etc. You could hang a damn blanket in front of the window. This can be easily solved, I don't understand why your life is ******. Also, why does your boyfriend have to complain for you? It's YOUR problem, YOU go complain. Does your boyfriend have to defend your honor or something?


Riceball23 0

in all fairness u could have hid in the bathroom or something.. But also ur bf is supose to stand up for u.. Plus i'm pretty sure if ur rent goes up coz of tht u can sew or something like that..

ppriscilla 0
hkabr123 0

ydi for not getting changed in your bathroom or something

All they do all day is handle wood. Maybe they felt the need to trim a bush?

olbrocko 0

you're a real pain. close the blinds. how long does it take to change anyway?

your boyfriend is just that. a "boy". dump his weak ass and find a man who will stand up for you and protect your dignity and physical well being

dougierocks 13

dignity and well being? I dont think so... it was either a one second flash, or a two hour tease session... I get the impression that her boyfriend caught her showing off, then she got all shocked like.. "ooh those evil men have been watching me"

Protect her dignity? What the **** is this? The Middle Ages? She can protect her own dignity. Women didn't fight for equal rights in order to have men fight their battles for them. SHE can deal with it. She's a big girl. Her boyfriend doesn't have to do shit.

There's an easy solution to this.... Do it yourself and don't rely on someone else, it's not him they're staring at is it...