Fresh start

By LifeInShambles - 10/05/2019 10:00

Today, I decided to turn my life around by finding a job, going to a gym, and getting counselling. Counselling is £145 a month. A gym would be £50 a month minimum, and there's an 8-year gap in my resumé, and everyone says no one will hire me because of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 781
You deserved it 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91gb 15

Okay, start by going jogging in your local park, that's free exercise.. The exercise will trigger endorphin release which will reduce the need for counselling and start doing volunteer work in a charity shop or soup kitchen to re-establish a pattern of work-like behaviour. Good luck and stick at it! People have come back from worse!

No need to sign up at a gym. Go running, or get a 2nd hand bike and go cycling. Regular exercise does help with depression. Yes you can start with volunteer work to beef up your CV, or you could start up your own business, there are plenty of openings in the gig economy. Work so hard you have no time to dwell on needing counselling. Once your CV is looking better, you can start applying for decent jobs. It'll be harder than it even sounds, but there's no such thing as a free lunch.


bl3ur0z3 17

It's not true that nobody will hire you, but it will be harder. You will end up with a crappy, low paying, likely fast food, job that will try to suck your soul out of you. If you don't let it, work hard, maybe get a small promotion, and keep putting in applications to other places, you will find there's hope in the end.

Jogging=reduce need for counseling! Working yourself into a soulless pit=forget counseling all together! Thank god it’s so easy to solve every single reason someone might need to talk to a licensed therapist. :D

Download the NHS couch to 5k app, that's free and you don't need to go to a gym Counselling is available free on the NHS, you just need to self refer yourself online to mental health services Volunteering at local charity shops or community projects to build you resumè back up will help you get back into work

blondie45 21

What were you doing during the 8 year gap?