
By justfriends - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. It's OK, though, she says we can still go on the vacation I planned next month for our 3 year anniversary, just "as friends." The tickets are non-refundable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 341
You deserved it 2 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, of course she is trying to cash out on something. No bf and a free trip to flirt with people. Don't take her. She isn't worth the trouble and the pain you will feel during the trip.


Take someone else and see if they can pay for half of what the trip cost or have them drive down there. Leave her in your past. People are in the past for a reason because they have no future.

lovelife9 12

It's alright buddy. I broke up with my boyfriend today too. It happens. Sorry.

harley1058 0

Either take someone else and take alot of pictures of you havin a good time to throw in her face what she messed up or just sell them

qualthas 7

F that! She just wants a free trip where she can have sex with other guys while you walk the streets. You have one month to talk up another girl and take her, or take a buddy. Leave your ex at home. Unless she help pay for the vacation.

Senorite 1

Here is what I would do. I would make a copy of both yours and her tickets. I would hide the real ones somewhere she couldn't find them, in case she is the type to steal it. Then I would pay to change the name on her ticket so someone else can go. When she is all packed up, start driving to the airport carrying her fake ticket, and your real ticket and the ticket for whoever. I would stop about halfway to the airport, get out of the car, take the keys with me, and take her stuff and start chucking it onto the side walk, she will quickly get up out of the car and yell or whatever. You take her fake ticket and rip it in her face. You then get in your car and go pick up whoever for a fun vacation while your ex sits on her ass somewhere waiting for a cab. Happy Vay-Cay!!

I broke up with my (now ex) boyfriend after we dated for 9 months. We had a trip planned still and the plane tickets were non-refundable (we couldn't sell them because they had our names on them). We each paid for our own tickets and went as friends. It was a bit awkward, but went really well for the most part. Going after being together after 3 years would be worse, but he might not be able to take anybody else.