
By justfriends - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. It's OK, though, she says we can still go on the vacation I planned next month for our 3 year anniversary, just "as friends." The tickets are non-refundable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 346
You deserved it 2 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, of course she is trying to cash out on something. No bf and a free trip to flirt with people. Don't take her. She isn't worth the trouble and the pain you will feel during the trip.


Tell her to suck a egg head *** is wot she is

kayla_maarie 3

no, take her, then when you get there treat every girl you meet like a princess and treat her like a dude she'll hate it:)

SakuraFubuki92 12

Don't take her! Take your best bro, drink booze, and hook up with hot chicks. **** her.

Get off the plane, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom after you get your luggage. Then simply act like you don't know her and go to the hotel by yourself. Have fun at the vacation all by yourself, then when you get back home and she is finally able to reach you. You can ask how that whole friend thing was working out for her.

Screw that! I would tell the B!@#& to take a hike and take another chick! You've got options man, you just have the freedom to explore them now. Go "as friends" my a$$!

Ugh! Same thing happened to me except she wouldn't go on the trip and her ticket was N-R AND Non-transferable!

Then grab a good wingman and have a damn good time with random vacation women and send her a picture of each one saying it could have been her

Wow, tell her no way! And take a friend instead, she broke your heart, your not gonna take her on an expensive trip!