**** off!

By my back hurts - 04/09/2013 05:25 - Australia - Campbelltown

Today, I spent a large portion of the afternoon playing hide and seek with the door-to-door salesman who saw me sneak in the back door and won't stop knocking. No amount of hiding behind the couch will make him go away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 637
You deserved it 7 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless he's selling Cheetos, you might as well punch him in the face.

Why do you need to hide? You both know you're in the house, and it's his time he's wasting if he keeps knocking. Just go about doing what you'd normally do and he'll get bored. You do realise it's not some kind of wacky scenario where you opening the door to him is inevitable, right?


Answer the door, be polite and tell him you're not interested. 2 minutes tops. If he doesn't go away he loses the right to be treated politely and then you can just slam the door in his face and go about your business in plain sight.

YDI for hiding instead of just telling him to go.

What a creeper, spending that much time at one house

A bloody apron, a large knife, and a creepy smile usually dissuade people from hanging around for to long at my door.

Answer the door wearing a rubber apron and rubber gloves, say he's just in time that you need help getting the bodies into the tub of acid. He'll never come back

You could of you know just told him no, if he refuses call the police, if that doesn't work beat the shit out of him.

Open door, tell to **** off, call cops if he doesn't leave.

skyeyez9 24

Next time, Open a window, scream at him to go the **** away! Its annoying as hell to have someone especially a salesman relentlessly knock on your door. He should have Knocked a few times, if nobody answers, get the hint and move on. Not stand there for who knows how long and repeatedly bang on the door.

petergozinya37 8

Did you think of maybe calling the police?

For crying out loud, open the door, maybe with a nice large knife in hand, and see what the guy wants. Then you can tell him to go away and leave you alone