By Anonymous - 12/02/2014 17:26 - United States - Louisville
Same thing different taste
Smells like… victory
By sickofthesmelltoo - 28/02/2013 10:56 - Australia - Fitzroy
By maxmess - 21/06/2016 21:39
Thanks, Mom
By The Towel Molester - 26/01/2012 14:49 - Australia
Healthy family
By Anonymous - 27/03/2019 06:00 - Australia - Melbourne
In-laws, in-fighting
By MsGamerLady - 08/11/2020 17:02 - United States
Higher standards of living
By gross? - 14/01/2025 20:00 - United States
Tense family drama
By Anonymous - 03/09/2022 10:00
The pits
By Anonymous - 14/01/2024 08:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/04/2022 01:30 - India - Hyderabad
By aaaaaaaaasssssssssssssss - 26/08/2015 13:55 - United States - San Francisco
Top comments
You're probably gonna be fine lol
Probably going to be fine, truly a great comment to say the least! How do you do it mister?
It says she lives in Colorado. We have droughts here almost every summer, along with awful wildfires. I don't blame anyone for showering every day, but if she takes super long showers every day I'd give her shit for it.
I take it; you're in-laws must not take regular showers
why does everyone on here get so angry about just normal comments? jeez. all of you sound stuck up.
There's nothing suggesting that the in-laws don't shower "regularly" themselves. A shower everyday can seem excessive. Depending on what type of work the OP does, come on, how dirty can you get? Some deodorant, a sink washed face and a bidet (to wash your booty) should be acceptable to skip a day in between. If a shower is needed daily, then try to take quick ones so less water is wasted. Nothing wrong with help being an environmentalist.
More like caveman times. Yeesh, so much ammunition to use against these smelly creepy people, I wouldn't know where to begin!
#43 is right. I've seen somewhere that you only need to shower 3 times per week to be considered clean (but that depends on the work you do, of course).
Lifehacker recently did an article about how often you should shower. Personally I shower at least every other day if not every day. I have also heard that it's bad to wash your hair every day.
I'm sorry, but having smelled the people that come into my store every day, whether you work a labor intensive job or not (and some of these people with this issue are lifetime freeloaders, so they don't have one), some people NEED to have a shower every day. Not everyone perspires the same or have the same level of body odor issues.
I can't believe that taking a shower every day is considered bad. I guess it depends on the culture. My family considers it gross if you only take one shower a day (they take 2- in the morning and at night) and I get talked shit to sometimes for only showering once a day. I'm sure you'd be OK not showering every day, but no matter what you do you still sweat some every day. Unless you're literally sitting on your ass all day long from when you wake up until you sleep.
There's nothinng wrong with taking a daily shower. Some people need to shower everyday. I have oily hair, and if I don't wash it daily it looks horrible. Every weekday I either exercise or clean people's houses for work. so I will either be sweaty or smelling of cleaning supplies and covered in other people's dirt and germs, there's no way I am going to bed like that. Unless I plan to stay inside for two days I have to take a shower to look presentable.
It is scientifically proven that showering every single day isn't as good for you as showering once every couple of days.
For a present, give them some body sprays and deodorant. Let them know they need it. Revenge
I agree. I would suggest giving them shampoo and body wash, with the word "hint" in capital letters on the tag. Otherwise they probably won't get it.
What does that have to do with anything?
There was a water crisis here in West Virginia last month. Some stupid chemical company poured tons of chemicals into the water supply so several counties, including my own, were unable to drink the water or bathe in it, or use it for laundry or cleaning. Some places are still having issues with their water.
How the hell was that rude it anyway?
You could always "accidentally" spray them down with the water hose. Or tip them into the pool. Your choice.
Or "accidentally" throw some soapy water balloons at them.
Shame on you for being hygienic, OP. Shame on you!
It's actually better for you to skip a day from showering. It's good for your hair and skin and you also save money. Skipping one day does not make you unclean.
Unless you work in a warehouse where dust and dirt are in abundance and cling to you like flies to crap. Then you probably need to shower everyday after work.
#45 what a turn of events
I agree that washing your hair everyday is bad for it, but why is showering once every day a bad thing?
it actually makes your immune system go into overdrive if you're to clean. your immune system then attacks things like peanuts because it has nothing else to fight.
Yep, #95, and also kids that grow up in households with pets are generally healthier and have stronger immune systems because their immune systems have to work to keep them healthy from the bacteria from the dog/cat/chickens/farm animals, etc. If kids grow up in an environment that's too clean, their immune system won't have anything to do and they end up being sick a lot because a sterile environment is unhealthy and they need a good amount of germs.
YDI for wasting water.
What is wrong with your in-laws?
Apart from the smell?
It seems they're dirty hippies.
Put a square of bullion in their shower head. Problem solved(:
15, a bouillon is a soup stock type product and no it would not solve any problem, just make them smellier so they have to shower more. So if they do stink, maybe it's solving a problem by making it worse..
I think your in-laws have yet to escape medieval times and come to the present, OP. FYL
For a present, give them some body sprays and deodorant. Let them know they need it. Revenge