Fun vacation times

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I needed to relax, so I ordered room service at my hotel. When I was finished, I went to put the tray outside, not thinking about needing a key to get back in. I locked myself out of my room, wearing smiley face underwear in a $250 a night hotel. I had to go to the lobby to get a new key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 461
You deserved it 27 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I got locked out of my room on a cruise ship wearing a skimpy nightgown and my boyfriend was taking an exceedingly long shower in the cabin. Even though I banged on the door for nearly 20 minutes, he didn't come out to open the door. When he finally came to the door I said "Couldn't you hear me banging on the damn door the whole time?" and he said that he "heard the noise but figured if it was important I was the one who would have answered the door." I told him "Yeah, you see how well that worked out!" It happens.

Take off the underwear and recreate an austin powers scene ? (:


Mx_Rider 6

agree with 10, what the **** is wrong with smiley underwear.. chicks love it,its gets us laid ok maybe not so much but still.... :D win

alex_vik 0

Uh, OP IS a chick. I don't think too many chicks would like her underwear.

Wait, I'm on the iPhone app. is this a man or a woman?

OP, it depends. Do you look good in your happy face underwear? :D Just like with anything else people bring on themselves, definite and clear YDI.

Why do people think their own stupidity equated to a good FLM? You do something stupid, you get to look stupid. YDI

Ok I stand by my "pics or it didn't happen" comment, since it's a woman ;p

domo2fr3sh 0

what does the fact that you paid $250 a night have to do with anything.?

kfreiissttae 0

if your good looking then it was all the guys out there in that hotels lucky day

johnnyots 0

If you are spending $250 a night at a hotel but you still need to relax, you need to find a better hotel.

Ever hear of a robe? If you were going to step fully out of your room, you should have been in more than your underwear in case someone was walking by. YDI.