Fuzzy memory

By Kreen - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff

Today, I realized that mixing alcohol with my medication causes me to lose my memory. I went to see my favorite band in concert last night and I can't remember a single song they played. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 203
You deserved it 44 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well it's pretty obvious alcohol and medication don't mix! It probably said it on the information on the medications package. You fully deserve it

Do they not say on the prescription not to drink with alchohol..Learn to ready buddy...YDI


ilove80smetal 8

Hey at least you didnt wake up in a room with a strange sketchy lady who looks suspiciously like a man. It happens man.

Sab0026 0

YDI... It should be common knowledge that you don't mix alcohol with meds.... Idiot....

Bullheard 0

tht happind to me but it put me n th hospital barley alive...

jayisacooter 1

That sounds like a terrible combination. You should consult your physician before doing such things.

dpgft10 0

Medication+Rock Concert+nonsensical comments= thumbs down Thumbs down if u support this message homies

You're f**king retarded op. f**king retarded.

What part of "dumb" don't you understand?