
By Anonymous - 13/03/2012 02:04 - United States

Today, my grandparents visited. My grandpa kept getting off the couch and walking around to "stretch his legs." He kept kicking out my computer's network cable and messing up my game, smirking each time he did it. When I complained, my mom told me to shut up and show some respect. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 691
You deserved it 28 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're mom is right, if your grandparents are visiting, you should be visiting with them not playing a freakin computer game


Turn off the game then, how would you like it if you came round to visit someone and they pulled out a book and started to read in front of you

shizzathon 5

I've never seen a more obvious YDI!

boycrazy30007 12

That sucks he would do that to you but ur grandparents are visiting get off the computer and spend some time with them.

Maybe you should have been spending time with your grandparents instead.

RawEndo 1

Talk to him old ppl always got funny percerted things to tell u about!

Maybe he was sending you a hint to visit instead of zoning out in front of the computer?

ManicGypsy 22

I agree with most of the people here - shut up and show some respect. Log off the game when your grandparents visit, I promise it will still be there when you get back. Your grandfather repeated kicking your cables and smirking was probably his way of subtle hints for you to log off, but you were too zoned out to take the repeated hints (someone else probably said this as well, but I'm in no mood to read through 100+ comments).

21, are you serious? That is so disrespectful and immature. I hope you are joking.

angrystare 6

Spend time with your family?