Get outta here

By JMcKay - 26/01/2012 03:36 - Australia

Today, I found out that if a jock calls you a nerd in the street and you retaliate with a witty comeback, be prepared to run. Fast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 095
You deserved it 6 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

Stand your ground. Everyone knows a jock can't see you if you don't move.

So you then joined the track team, had brains and bronze, and stole the head cheerleader from him? Like a boss?


What is this 90's high school? Go beat his ass. Man up

elwood244 3

Or become a male cheerleader like me and grab his girlfriends ass all day

guys not every jock is a jerk dont bag on us just cuz one guy is a jerk

Track1991 0

That's when you run to the cops lol.

s'okay bro. im a nerd too, happens all the time. just stay in shape, once my bf and i had to run 2 miles because he stupidly threw a rock at some douche....

MsMeiriona 2

Somehow I doubt your "witty comeback" was as witty as you think.

No, then the jock caught up to him. He got the shit beaten out of him, and the last thing he did before entering a coma in the hospital was write that post. Like a boss.

SpeakOutLoud 1

Why would you retaliate?? NERDS ARE THE FUTURE FTW!!!