Get outta here

By JMcKay - 26/01/2012 03:36 - Australia

Today, I found out that if a jock calls you a nerd in the street and you retaliate with a witty comeback, be prepared to run. Fast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 095
You deserved it 6 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

Stand your ground. Everyone knows a jock can't see you if you don't move.

So you then joined the track team, had brains and bronze, and stole the head cheerleader from him? Like a boss?


Sab0026 0

Lol he's more than likely mad because he doesn't comprehend what you said.

Snafuusmc 12

Jocks ? Nerds ? In Australia ?! Aren't you all claiming welfare regardless, so what's the point of this social stigma ?

Sorry about my misspelled word. It was 2 am, and I couldn't sleep. I actually meant brawn.

obviousboy 8

It always amuses me when jocks get mad when they call someone a nerd and the nerd smarts off to them. Kinda the whole point of being a nerd? Being smarter than most people?

skyeyez9 24

Asshole jocks, love to torment others but get all riled up if they return it back. ******* can't take it.

FajitaFreak 3

If you are attacked in high school, stand your ground. Always. Unless they literally are out to kill, just fight, try to do some or as much damage as possible; and even though you probably will lose it doesn't matter. Bullies are not interested in victims that will fight back, especially not if they will get hurt a bit in the prospect of doing so.

that is very wrong. I fought back and then every day I would get hunted down in the hallway by the same person I would still try though

Frankly, that's kind of a duh. ALWAYS be prepared to run. and fast.