Get outta here

By JMcKay - 26/01/2012 03:36 - Australia

Today, I found out that if a jock calls you a nerd in the street and you retaliate with a witty comeback, be prepared to run. Fast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 095
You deserved it 6 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

Stand your ground. Everyone knows a jock can't see you if you don't move.

So you then joined the track team, had brains and bronze, and stole the head cheerleader from him? Like a boss?


Don't worry, when he's pumping your gas in ten years, we'll know who really won in life ;)

I REALLY wanna know what that witty comeback was :)

He was just upset because he didn't get your witty joke.

wear steel toe shoes or boots and give him a good kick in the shin.

richboii 0

You can't just stop being a nerd. It's like telling a black person not to be black.

erikababyy 0

good for you for standing up for yourself!

KiddNYC1O 20

Should've thrown your glasses at him for a minor inconvenience. (Family Guy-Superman scene reference.)