Ghost in the machine

By smdh - 22/10/2012 02:52 - United States

Today, my mother told me that my dead grandmother speaks to her. How? When she's thinking of her while brushing her teeth, her electric toothbrush will suddenly stop buzzing and this tells her her mother is communicating with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 696
You deserved it 1 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who's she thinking of when the batteries die on her vibrator?

This sounds like the start of a bad horror movie...


CharresBarkrey 15

The biggest douche in the universe!

Schizomaniac 24

I was going to say that the batteries were probably just dying, but that was definitely a close second.

You need to change the batteries of her toothbrush.

EVP's, Ouija boards, EMF meters, thermal cameras. Toss em. It's all about the electric toothbrush now.

How is this even an FML? It's a small comfort concerning her dead mother. Just let her have it.

But it's just a sudden stop because the toothbrush is telling her to switch quadrants

I find it kind of cute that your mother remembers her mother even while doing the most trivial things, it's pretty harmless,too. If she feels a connection to her mother and it somehow reassures her, just let her. It's comforting for many people to think that their loved ones are still around and involved in their lives... But if she says the toothbrush is starting to give her advice or something, then that's a different tune....

It seems your mom is just trying to hold onto the memory of her mother, and somehow this gives her comfort. As long as it doesn't progress too far, let her have this.


Well, if it helps her cope with it, let it be.