Goblin mode

By WELLFUCKYOUTOO - 14/08/2012 15:02 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my cheating, psycho asscricket of an ex texted me and asked me back out. I said no, and didn't think any more of it, at least until an hour later, when I looked out my window, only to see him smearing a bag of dog crap all over my porch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 569
You deserved it 2 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bengermin 5

Props on introducing "asscricket" to the vernacular, though!


perdix 29

What? He didn't have a lighter? Maybe he tried to ignite the bag of dogshit with an app on his £200 phone, but it didn't work.

Rub his face in it while shouting, "No! Bad asscricket!"

noisebox 1

Asscricket? First time I heard that is it related to butt- slurpy? Anyways your story is pretty shitty..

Wow that sucks...also, kudos for the use of the word asscricket. Love it

Lol...asscricket...I'm gonna start using that one =0)

Come to think of it, where the hell does he get a bag of dog crap? Do they sell it at IKEA and I've just never noticed? Did he collect the crap from a dog over time and then put it all in a bag?

PuffDaddy395 3
tatonka_felton 5