Goblin mode

By WELLFUCKYOUTOO - 14/08/2012 15:02 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my cheating, psycho asscricket of an ex texted me and asked me back out. I said no, and didn't think any more of it, at least until an hour later, when I looked out my window, only to see him smearing a bag of dog crap all over my porch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 569
You deserved it 2 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bengermin 5

Props on introducing "asscricket" to the vernacular, though!


How do you know it was dog crap specifically?

I wonder what he was thinking of when he was filling his bag full of shit. -____-

Very clever/interesting choice of words. :D

Hmm ... Well THAT will really make her want to go out with him. What a romantic gesture !

Unless you saw the dog shit in the bag how can you be sure it wasn't his shit. Call the cops could be harassment, vandalism,disorderly conduct. Maybe some health code violation

At least he didn't put crap in a bag and light it on fire

add_shineythings 2

I've been there! Well, no poop smearing was involved, but I've been in a very similar situation. I hope you stay strong and away from him. I might have to borrow your "asscricket" phrase. Absolutely priceless. I also envision the ex not wearing gloves, and in which case he's twice the asscricket cause he's the one who touched the poop. Hope you have a high powered hose!

Sanch101 7

I hope you reported this to the police as if he is a psycho there is a risk it may escalate and you need a record of prior problems to help get legal restraint on him if required.