Good job

By whatnow - 01/04/2012 02:52 - United States - Carmel

Today, I fell asleep on the couch while babysitting. When the kids' parents came home, they made fake crying noises to see if I would wake up. I slept like a baby, and by the time they finally roused me, I'd left a nice drool stain on the armrest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 857
You deserved it 34 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hotPinklipstick 24

Maybe you should consider a new job. I know babysitting can be boring but this isn't a job you can slack on. Anything can happen and if you sleep that hard lives could be in danger.

You're lucky they didn't sharpie a penis on your forehead. That's what I do to babysitters who fall asleep in my house.


Omg im sorry to say but something bad could of happened like they could of got to the kitchen and decided to make mud pies lol

First of all, everyone needs to calm down!! I am a nanny and if the kids were sleeping, it's no big deal. Which I'm sure they were. Don't beat yourself up. It was a mistake. I'm sure you still have your job!

The folks I babysat for would invite me to curl up on the couch and rest if the kids were in bed, even as youngsters. There's this nifty little invention called a baby monitor that worked like a charm when placed beside my head with the television turned down.

Safe to say you wont be rehired or recommended!

iwishicould 7

I'm a babysitter and I nearly always take a short nap. If the kid is already in bed then there is no reason you can't either. Granted, if you're a deep sleeper maybe you don't need to be sleeping. Or set an alarm to wake you every few minutes. Although typically, you will wake up if you hear a child crying, it's like instinct.

I don't think babysitting is the best thing for you. At least they could fend for themselves for the time that you were asleep lol:)

Make_Lemonade 13

If those had been my kids, you wouldn't have gotten paid.

LPfan4L 1
puddingface94 3

That's like the number one rule of babysitting, that an not setting the house on fire. Really, I've done it, it's not that hard to make sure that the kids are safe and happy for a few hours.

That's really disturbing what they do instead of waking you up... people have really weird ideas sometimes....