
By scoobses - 02/10/2015 00:45 - United States

Today, my pain-in-the-ass co-worker is finally leaving. Unfortunately, I was chosen to do the bulk of her job. She has given me no training and on her last day, just smirked at me on her way out and said, "Enjoy doing my job too, fucker." I don't get paid enough for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 894
You deserved it 1 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Explain to your boss about it, and maybe the load will be shared, or you could be helped!

Wow, what a bitch! And you should definitely talk to your boss!


That really sucks man, especially the no training part.

life is full of awesome challenges that make you want to slam your face against a wall for a while. good luck, you got this.

Some souls haunts you even after life. This is one of them.

Drentiful 9

I'm in the same boat man. At my job I did this entire job with another intern. He was a shitty co-worker but still needed the help. Then he got fired for sleeping on the job. So now I've been doing my job and his for over a year and it's been hell. I get paid half of what the other employees get paid in the same department. All because I started here as an intern and was hired on full time after I graduated.

fmlstarterkit 13