
By scoobses - 02/10/2015 00:45 - United States

Today, my pain-in-the-ass co-worker is finally leaving. Unfortunately, I was chosen to do the bulk of her job. She has given me no training and on her last day, just smirked at me on her way out and said, "Enjoy doing my job too, fucker." I don't get paid enough for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 894
You deserved it 1 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Explain to your boss about it, and maybe the load will be shared, or you could be helped!

Wow, what a bitch! And you should definitely talk to your boss!


cr500guy 11

Don't wait a week or so, let your boss know as soon as you can and explain the situation. He or she will be able to help.

Tell the truth to your boss. There's a reason she was FIRED!

The good thing is she's gone...bad thing is her training for the new position was obviously not given due to her impeding absence...she should at least have some courtesy but for some reason I knew it wasn't coming... Hope all goes well op

As a boss of many people.... believe me we know who the good workers are and who isn't. Unfortunately the laws of our country are used to support these worthless people and make it difficult to eliminate them from their positions. Gotta love our government....

RedPillSucks 31

actually, in the US, it's not at all hard to fire people. you just have to document your reasons. Many states have "at will" employment laws so companies can fire you even without cause unless you're in a protected group. of so you simply have to document the reason for the firing.

it's too bad when someone else shield all their responsibilities, and you are forced to cover.

You'll learn from all of this.. Plus you'll get experience for a promotion.,. Or a new job!

Talk to your boss and HR and explain this to them so you don't get in trouble for doing a bad job ( not saying that you will ) and ask to get the proper training.

Talk to your boss and HR and explain this to them so you don't get in trouble for doing a bad job ( not saying that you will ) and ask to get the proper training.