Great date

By SonofDonald - 22/01/2013 17:20 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a co-worker I've been interested in for some time. The topic of discussion she chose over lunch: how she's living a double-life as an escort in Flint and that she thinks she's picked up an STD from unprotected sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 475
You deserved it 4 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you found out about the STD before possibly having sex with her.


jem970 19

Sounds like you dodged a bullet with that dinner conversation OP

Most women from Flint, MI are ****** anyways.

Now you know to avoid that drama. Kind of makes me wonder how she openly disclosed this info in the first place. Perhaps you would have ended up in the friend zone had you pursued anything prior to your newfound knowledge.

Hey at least u know now, before u ended up with whatever she has lol

Just the kind of women you find in Flint... It the wonderful life of living in michigan.

CheezyMane13 5

This sucks. I live in flint. And have notice a large increase In escorts.

She could've made that up because she's not really interested in you and didn't want to hurt your feelings.

Either she's trying to discourage you... Or you might want to reconsider that crush you've had brewing.

wairdt 5

Flint, MI??? It's rough there for reals.