Great date

By SonofDonald - 22/01/2013 17:20 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a co-worker I've been interested in for some time. The topic of discussion she chose over lunch: how she's living a double-life as an escort in Flint and that she thinks she's picked up an STD from unprotected sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 475
You deserved it 4 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you found out about the STD before possibly having sex with her.


At least she told you so you can stay cleeear away from that shameless woman!!! Nobody wants the herps... Could've ended a lot worse buddy! God speed!

knoxxx 22

This is the most likely case. Unless the co-worker is a complete nutter, in which case you're better off anyways, right?

Those dirty Flintstones! I always knew something was up with Fred...

hey, at least she was honest about it... but either way that's gross.

Sounds to me like someone just got "friend-zoned" by way of an elaborate bullshit story. Tell her you don't mind and see what she comes up with next. I see another hilarious FML post in your near future!

It's not a good idea to date someone from work anyway. Don't shit where you eat.

floup_fml 13

She was playing with you so why didn't you say about your second job as a stripper and discuss about the similarities you have?

Maybe she wants u to stop dating her by telling about the Std!