Great date

By SonofDonald - 22/01/2013 17:20 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a co-worker I've been interested in for some time. The topic of discussion she chose over lunch: how she's living a double-life as an escort in Flint and that she thinks she's picked up an STD from unprotected sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 475
You deserved it 4 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you found out about the STD before possibly having sex with her.


Well at least now you know that if you go for her still, she may possibly be very easy. Lol jks. I recently been in a similar situation. She doesn't have an STI (that I know of), but found out she's very promiscuous and I mean VERY.

Yet another reason NOT to date from your work place. Most companies forbid such involvements with co-workers...& I'd assume this is one of the reasons, next to it being awkward to work w/someone after you break up...I give you the "YDI of the year" award.

It's obvious that she may have been saying all of this because she's aware of OP's attraction and wanted him to stop bothering her.

wow at least you found out before you slept with her.

Werken247 14

I third Noor's opinion and I move we vote for dismissal of all other opinions. I approve this comment.

Sounds like she may have made it up to make you back off; I don't see why she'd tell you such personal stuff on a first date.

So was this a new creative way of her telling you to piss off and leave her alone or did she suddenly pour out her heart to you, a co-worker? That's a tough question to answer - Is she so revolted by you that she would risk getting a nasty undeserved reputation?

Don't worry most STD's are curable with antibiotics......kinda weird she would bring that up on the first date though.